Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Silver Apples

Anybody who knows me well knows I'm a sucker for synth, I just can't help it. I'm going to switch it up a bit and post the psychedelic, experimental, electronic pioneers Silver Apples. This two man band is basically the foundation of electronic music into the rock genre, they came before the experimental electronic bands of the 70's, such as Kraftwerk and the influential synth duo Suicide. The lead vocalist, Simeon, invented his own instrument from combining two synthesizers which produced unique pulsating rhythms and spaced out drone beeps and buzzes. The notes within their 1968 debut state that the instrument "Simeon" consisted of "...nine audio oscillators and eighty-six manual controls...The lead and rhythm oscillators are played with the hands, elbows and knees and the bass oscillators are played with the feet." Say what? The other member of Silver Apples, Danny Taylor, was mainly a percussionist, but also played a banjo in many of their songs. I've included three of my favorite songs from their brief career, "Lovefingers" off their self titled debut album, which is a great introduction to their style. "Ruby" comes off their second album Contact in '69. The third track comes off their recent comeback renaissance 1998 release Garden, which I had never heard before until the Wyld Chyld hooked me up with the track "I Don't Care What the People Say" on his mad mix playlist. Check it out, and remember the first two songs were produced in '67, way ahead of their time.

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